- An FSM accepts inputs and processes an output
- Used extensively within computer science applications such as; Traffic light control systems, specifying a computer language, programs fro spell checking, networking protocols
- A state transition diagram is used to show the FSM as a picture
- Finite State Automato (FSA)
- This type of FSM has a finishing state and procedures only a yes/ no output based on the final state. E.g state 2 = Yes. Other state = No
- FSMs with an output
- MeaLy machine- Output on the transitions (arrows)
- MoOre Machine- Output on the states (circles)
- For example 0|A The input is 0 while the output is A
2. C is the output for state one, A for state 2 and B for state 3
A FSA which can be programmed easily
- Transition table
- Shows the states and transitions in an FSM in table format
- Transition Function
- Transition functions show the states and transitions as a series of functions
- (Input Symbol, Current State) (Output Symbol, Next State)
- Deterministic and non- deterministic FSA
- A deterministic FSA has only one transition (arrow) for each input
- A non- deterministic FSA can have multiple transitions for an input. So there is more than one possible route around the state transition diagram
- FSM- Terminology Flash
- Halting state- is a state with no outputs
- Trigger- An input which triggers an output
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